Crochet Tools for Beginners
So you are thinking that you might like to try crocheting. Whether you are an absolute beginner or you are looking to start crocheting again, you are going to need some crochet tools for beginners. Luckily, the tools you need are relatively inexpensive. However, I will admit that the amount of supplies available can be overwhelming. I don’t want you to get frustrated shopping for your supplies so I put together this post to give you some guidance. Before you head to the craft store or load up your on-line cart, let’s talk about what you really need to get started.
- Crochet Hook
- Yarn
- Darning Needle
- Something to Cut Yarn
Yes, that’s it! That’s all you need to get started! Continue reading for my suggestions on crochet tools for beginners.
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Crochet Tools for Beginners

Crochet Hook
You are going to need a crochet hook. Crochet hooks are available in wood, aluminum hooks with no handle, plastic, and metal shank with a comfort grip handle. The most cost effective choice is an aluminium hook. Since new crocheters tend to crochet tightly, an aluminum hook is a good choice because the yarn will move more freely than it would on a wood or plastic hook.
I suggest that you start with an aluminum hook in size I-9. Single aluminum hooks tend to be fairly inexpensive at the craft store. And, be sure to check for coupons when you are there. Here is what you are looking for on the hook:

If you can spend a little more, a set of different size crochet hooks is a great option. It’s nice to have different sizes available because it’s quite common that your tension might be tighter or looser than suggested in your pattern. When I started crocheting again, I purchased this Susan Bates set.
While I use aluminium hooks with no handle often, I absolutely love the hooks with a comfort grip. My favorite are the Clover Amour crochet hooks. They reduce hand strain and pain. However, they are a bit more than the aluminium hooks with no handle. If you are looking for comfort, you may want to try these hooks.
There are so many yarn choices and it’s easy to get carried away. There are many different fibers, weights, textures, colors, etc. It’s easy to get carried away and it’s easy to get overwhelmed.
When you are learning to crochet, inexpensive yarn is your friend. Stay away from slippery yarns, boucle (loopy) yarns, eyelash yarns, and anything with texture. Besides making it hard to figure out tension, textured yarns are difficult to work with when you are a beginner because it’s hard to see your stitches. You’ll be less frustrated if you can see your stitches. That’s why I recommend smooth acrylic yarn in medium weight, also called a worsted weight. Look for the number 4 symbol on the yarn wrapper.

Another fiber option that works for beginners is wool however it’s more expensive than acrylic. Just keep in mind that wool has special laundry care instructions and it can trigger allergies. Cotton is also an option especially if your are looking for a natural fiber option. It’s not quite as easy to work with as acrylic because cotton yarn doesn’t have as much give as acrylic yarn does. However, cotton yarn provides beautiful stitch definition so you can see your stitches.
Choose a color you like but stay with bright and light colors. Stay away from dark colors such as black, navy, and brown. It’s hard to see stitches on dark yarn. Again, you want to be able to see those stitches!
I recommend the following yarns for beginners. They are all readily available. All of them are acrylic unless noted.
- I Love This Yarn – available at Hobby Lobby
- Big Twist – available at JoAnn
- Red Heart Super Saver
- Lion Brand Vanna’s Choice
- Lion Brand Wool-Ease – 80% acrylic, 20% wool. If you go this route, be sure to get Wool-Ease NOT Wool-Ease Thick and Quick.
- Sugar ‘n Cream – 100% cotton yarn

Darning Needle
You won’t need a darning needle until you are finished with your piece. You will use it to weave in the ends. So if you want to hold off until you decide if crocheting is for you, go ahead. Darning needles come in plastic and metal. They have a large eye to accommodate the yarn and the tips are blunt.
I have these darning needles. Since these little guys tend to go missing, I keep them stored in the case and haven’t lost one yet.
Something to Cut Yarn
I purposefully didn’t say scissors because you don’t need to get a special pair of scissors. However, you want something small and sharp to cut your yarn. It could be a small pair of sewing scissors or it could be a nail clipper or a small pair of beauty scissors or a pair of thread snips. My point is that you don’t need to get something fancy. For now you can use something you have around the house. Just make sure it’s small and sharp. Large scissors tend to be clumsy when you are trying to trim small pieces of yarn. The last thing you want to do is ruin your newly crocheted item by snipping into it with a big, clunky scissors!

Cost Saving Options on Crochet Tools for Beginners
Let’s also talk about some cost saving options. Granted, crochet tools are fairly inexpensive but there might be some less expensive or free options! Here are some great ideas to save money:
- Do you have family or friends that crochet? Maybe you could borrow a hook from one of them. Think of your mother, grandmothers, great-grandmothers or aunts. They may have some old crochet hooks laying around and they probably have some scrap yarn. You may even find a mentor for your new hobby. And chances are, they will cherish your interest and you will as well…
- Try a second hand store or a rummage sale. You can often find craft supplies there.
- Shopping for new supplies at the craft store is actually more cost effective than ordering from Amazon. However, you can’t beat the convenience of Amazon. If you have a JoAnn’s, Hobby Lobby, Michael’s or other craft store convenient to you, definitely give it a try. Most of these stores do have buy on-line, pick up in-store options as well as shipping options.
- Most craft stores like JoAnn’s, Hobby Lobby, and Michael’s have coupons available on-line. Either go to the store’s website or search for coupons for your preferred store. Often there is a coupon for a percentage off a regular price item. Yarn is on sale quite often but hooks not so much! Use the coupon to save on your hook or set of hooks.
Keep in mind that the crochet tools recommended in this post are for absolute beginners. There are more tools that you’ll want to add as you progress in your new hobby.
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